Bite Me. You will be grateful!

Hello Everyone and thank you for visiting.

It has been awhile since I last posted a blog, but so much has happened.  As in all of our lives.  In June, I decided to finish my degree at the American College of Healthcare Sciences.  I only had four more classes to finish, so I could see the light at the end of the tunnel.  I doubled up on the two electives and two core classes that I needed and studied..

On January 10th I was done with all of the classes and finals.  I passed!!! My degree is Holistic Healthcare Practitioner, HHP, which I am very proud to have accomplished this journey.  Then my dad, best buddy, confidant and love of my life passed peacefully away.

We are only renting so love as much as you can!


Bite Me!

Turmeric…is a spice. Native to Indonesia and southern India.  It was traditionally known as “Indian saffron” and has been harvested for more than 5,000 years. It contains curcumin which is very useful in preventing cancer.   I have discovered how wonderful it is for loosing weight, increasing HDL,(good cholesterol) inflammation, joint pain, digestion, and Alzheimer Disease.   It promotes optimal health.

You can simply add it to almost anything that you eat.  It has a bit of a smoky, spicy flavor.. and can bring some extra added heat to any dish.  One thing to watch when using Turmeric is that it stains.  It stains your counter top, fingernails, clothing, etc.. It pairs nicely with vegetables, rice, eggs (deviled eggs), and lentils.  I particularly like it on cauliflower.  Whenever you use it add it toward the end of cooking.  It’s simply delicious!


The Eyes have it!  They should be sparkling, lively, and clear..


..The eyes are like a lamp for the whole body.  If your eyes are sound, your whole body will be full of light.-Matthew 6:22


Cooking with Cast Iron/ Will Boost your Iron intake

       Iron is  most abundant mineral on Earth, and the most abundant trace mineral found in the body.  The weight of a dime of Iron is equal to 2300 milligrams of iron in a female that weighs 130 lbs.  It is a key component to our blood.  It is not secreted from our body by stool or urine.  It is absorbed into the body and very little is left.  Most iron is cycled and reused.  Iron loss usually comes from bleeding.

Iron sources are meat, poultry, fish, black beans, oatmeal, and believe it or not, total cereal!

To enhance Iron supplies in your body.. Eat Iron rich foods with vitamin C.. better bang for the buck!  Example:  Peanut butter sandwich paired with an apple or orange, on whole grain bread. Iron is needed for brain function.  Also cooking in a cast iron skillet increases it by about 3%!  Iron is especially important in women!!! When they feel tired and have no energy.. check your iron.


My new favorite accessory to my vegetables is “Sweet Baby Rae’s ” barbecue sauce!  Contains no sugar, it is so good.  love… So here is my new dinner special.

Recipe:  Cauliflower and onions, black beans, rinsed and drained, sliced cauliflower like a steak. Steamed in chicken or vegetable broth until fork tender.  Add Turmeric toward the end of cooking along with salt and pepper.  Add Sweet Baby Rae’s dressing, about two tablespoons per head of cauliflower.  You can also grill the cauliflower and add the dressing, it’s fantastic!  I eat the entire head and full as a tick, as my dad would say!


The color Yellow!  Spring is coming so I chose the color yellow!   Not for everyone, but it is always a color that captures our attention.  Lemons, daffodils, sunflowers, and egg yolks. It is truly the color of happiness, sunshine, hopefulness and gratefulness and feeling positivity. It represents courage, caution.



I know that people struggle with their diet, and have made New Years Resolutions to lose weight. Stop dieting and try this: I stopped eating dairy, except for eggs, and red meat about 4 1/2 years ago.  Added whole grains, not whole wheat.  For me, I haven’t missed the meat or dairy.  Try it for 10 days and see how much better you feel.  I weigh less and eat much more food.

Thank you for visiting…”Breathe, don’t apologize for who you are, and make a memory every day.”
