…How to achieve Optimal Health -Mental Health and the Color Green…

…..”The doctor of the future will give no medicines but will interest his patient in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.”…..Thomas Edison


Sleep is an important part of achieving Optimal Health. REM sleep is Rapid Eye Movement sleep. It happens when we are dreaming! Recently, I have started dreaming vividly, almost every night. I feel quite rested when I awake. It happens for only short periods of time, but seems like forever.

Positive Mental Attitude

This is also a part of achieving Optimal Health. In these stressful times its hard to maintain a positive attitude, when thing are such a mess with our personal lives. Every day try to adopt a positive, optimistic trend. Like, remember why you are grateful. Optimism, Joy and Happiness.

1-Realizing what really makes you happy. Acknowledge the positive, celebrate your successes, and accept compliments by saying, “thank you”.

2-What you enjoy about your life right now. Forget the past, enjoy living in the here and now, and reliving old hurts and disappointments.

3-And ask yourself, who loves me?

4-Who do I love? Make a list of all of the people that love you and that you love.

Cardio Health

Cardio health is tied to emotions and attitude it is also a part of creating Optimal Health. Get out there and enjoy the sun and nice weather with whatever you like to do. Walk, run, hike, swim, bike. etc. Just taking time in the morning or evening to stretch your body. There are many Pilates and Yoga videos that you can watch to help you get into a routine. Pick a time each day. I Love just walking very early in the morning when the “critters” are just waking up. It makes you feel great. Don’t push it, just enjoy your walk.

Recognize beauty in Art and Nature

Realize your potential. Try something new that challenges you. It’s fun! It makes you feel positive and young!!

Gain respect from others and promoting self-esteem. There are many reasons throughout our lifetime that we can develop low self-esteem. Unhappy childhood, poor academic performance in school, financial troubles, and relationship problems. Just remember that low self-esteem is just your opinion of yourself. It takes daily practice to boost your self-esteem.

Love and belongingness, receiving love, and giving love and affection.

Trust in family, friends, and be in a group. Keep social connections that are positive. Positive, meaning relationships that make you feel good about yourself.


Colors can be introduced into our lives in many ways This includes flowers, accessories, paint, clothing, and the outdoors.

Green represents the way of Harmony.

It is the heart center. It strengthens without over stimulating. It can lower blood pressure and calm headaches, influenza, head colds, cramps, it is a very calming color to use in specific parts of your home.

……”Remember to make a memory every day, and don’t apologize for who you are”……Rebecca

3 thoughts on “…How to achieve Optimal Health -Mental Health and the Color Green…

  1. I love the “positive mental attitude” and to think about what you are grateful for …
    Thanks…. these thoughts made my day!

    Liked by 1 person

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