Walnuts & Wallpaper, Water, Stress!! and the Color “Red”


Hello, and welcome to my blog site…

Holistic nutrition for the mind and body………

My name is Rebecca Moran, and I am a Certified Holistic Nutritionists and an Interior Designer. My consulting business, Walnuts & Wallpaper, www.walnutsnwallpaper.com@wordpress, is the concept of overall health and wellness through nutritious food and a less stressful living environment?  I focus on Holistic Nutrition, Food Combining, Nutritional Bio-Chemical, Healthy Aging, Acid Alkaline Balance, Diabetic Nutrition, Color Therapy, and helping children make healthy decisions. Holistic, refers to a complete system rather than parts.          

WATER, this is why we need to drink it.

It is vital for many processes in your body.  Staying hydrated is an important part of staying healthy, as water is vital to key body functions.  Water helps chemical reactions, such as those involve in the production of energy take place.  Water also bathes the outside of your cells, playing a key role in transporting vital nutrients and oxygen to and removing waste products from your cells.  Water helps you maintain your body temperature and acts as a lubricant for your joints, eyes, mouth, and intestinal tract.  It surrounds your organs and cushions them from injury.  It was always hard for me to drink water, I don’t know why.  So I started by drinking small glasses at room temperature or slightly chilled. I add lemon and sip throughout the day.  Adding lemon also helps detox the liver, good to know if you indulge in a few cocktails! The Key words here are hydrated, transportation and removing waste products.  It keeps you healthy in these ways.

How to navigate the supermarket


  When shopping for groceries, shop the perimeter of the store.  It makes sense! This is where you will find all of the healthy foods, fresh fruits, vegetables, lean meats, fish, dairy, and whole grains.  That’s all your body need. Purchase lemons, limes, and fresh herbs for added flavorful cooking. My rule is to buy organic when available, but also use this website as a guideline when shopping. I printed it out and laminated. I keep in my purse.  Here is a link to “The Dirty Dozen” http://www.thedailygreen.com/healthy-eating/eat-safe/dirtydozenfoods

Stress, Oh Boy!!!

When I was younger, I struggled with body image and stressful times, as we all do.  Life is unpredictable!  You can get caught up in stress and not even know.  Stress makes me feel like my face is going to crack, like I was poured into cement and can’t move.  To me this is why it is so hard to do anything about it.  What I know is that excess stress will shorten your life! It causes illness.  Here are three things that I have learned.

1Breathe– deep breathing is an excellent way to relieve stress.  It also eliminates toxins from the body. You can do it anywhere.

2-Ground yourself– (I found the need to “Ground Myself” when becoming a Hospice Volunteer. I have been volunteering for the past 8 years.  I needed to find a way to visit patients that were dying after my long work day.  I had no idea how LOUD, UNAWARE and INSENSITIVE I was when I visited a hospice patient and their family. It’s very quiet atmosphere.  I needed to find a way to release my day and reflect on who I am and why I was there!  I had to learn to Ground Myself!  This is how I do it: Create an image in your mind of one thing that always makes you happy.  Then think about who you are: a mother, father, daughter, grandmother, grandfather, son, nephew, niece, nurse, teacher etc. Imagine only good thought about who you are. When a negative thought enters your mind, quickly think of the one thought, the first thought, that calmed and relaxed you. This gets easier as you practice. It is so important for everyday life.

3- Get outside to walk, run, or do anything that moves you It is amazing how you can figure things out in your mind while walking or running.  There are many other exercised, my absolute favorite is spinning!  You can close your eyes, and get lost in your thoughts. One step in front of the other, you will feel much better.


I am always thinking of healthier choices when eating.  I love to eat, but I want the biggest bang for my buck with the calories that I am eating, I focus on the best choices, and PEAS are at the top of the list. This is one vegetable that is nutritious for many reasons such as maintaining bone health.  PEAS are a very good source of vitamin K1, which activates osteocalcin, the major non-collagen protein in bone.  Peas are also a good source of folate and vitamin B6.  These two nutrients help reduce the buildup of a metabolic by-product called homocysteine, a dangerous molecule that can obstruct collagen cross-linking, resulting in poor bone matrix and osteoporosis.  PEAS are also a good source of vitamin B1, B2, B6, iron, (a mineral necessary for normal blood cell formation and function) Vitamin A (related to cataracts and age-related macular degeneration.) Vitamin C and Zinc (immune system) and 10g of protein! If you are diabetic, peas rank low on the Glycemic index.  I don’t want to get to technical on details, just trying to get my point across.  PEAS are sweet, delicious and very good for you. As we age osteoporosis and molecular degeneration become a concern. Good Energy!  Ref: theworldshealthiestfoods


1-lb Fresh peas or frozen (add carrot, onions too) FROZEN VEGETABLES ARE almost as GOOD AS FRESH. Chicken stock (organic)  Heat to just steam,, do not boil,(boiling depletes nutrients) drain, add salt, pepper, garlic, lemon juice, and drizzle with olive oil, OR A TEASPOON OF REAL BUTTER, YUMMY!

Also Try this: (This one of the recipes I used to make with my children)

1 can of tuna in olive oil, and a bag of frozen peas.  How easy is that?  Steam peas in water, vegetable or chicken stock, drain, then add the entire contents of tuna.  Mix, that’s it!  This is a delicious meal that gives you high energy. Sweet peas, salty tuna, and olive oil are a bonus.

Your environment and the company you keep, has a direct effect on your everyday life. Smell, color, comfort…


Color gives you energy?  Color is reflected in your everyday life.  Here is how the color RED affects your life.  This was my mother’s favorite color.  Mom, thinking of you as I write… 

Let’s talk about the color RED!


The Great Energizer


The Physical Body


Red raises body temperature, increases hemoglobin content of blood, liberates energy, stimulates circulation (use for anemia), sluggishness, colds, poor circulation, overweight, sciatica, rheumatism, fibrositis, paralysis


Not to be used with emotional/nervous complaints, as it can irritate.


Soles of feet, heart, liver, spleen

Next month the color Green!

You can contact me at:  walnutsnwallpaper@gmail.com or on Facebook @ Walnuts & Wallpaper


Thank you for visiting.

“Remember to breathe, don’t apologize for who you are, and make a memory every day.”  

Have a great weekend!



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